Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Smoking Dangers

            Cigarette smoke contains 4000 chemicals are hazardous to health, 40 species of which are carcinogenic. Cigarette smoke is inhaled gases and particles containing components. Namely gas components CO, CO2, O2, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, nitrogen, and hydrocarbons. Most of the gas phase is CO2, O2, and nitrogen. While the other particle components of which are tar, nicotine, benzopiren, phenol, and cadmium. From a single cigarette is burned gases produced about 500 mg (92%) and 8% of solid particle materials. Of each puff of cigarette smoke, smokers inhale about 50 mg of material, of which 18 mg of material in the form of solid particles and liquid droplet aerosol particles of solid tar submikroskopik micron diameter or smaller, the remainder consisting of CO2 and up to 5% CO, mixed with O2 and nitrogen and air (Istiqomah, 2003 

             According to the World Health World Health Organization (2005) smoking is a cause of death of the world's population of three million people each year, a total of 8219 deaths per day and 57 deaths per minute, in 2006 found 3.5 million tobacco deaths a year. In 2007 there were 5.4 million people died from smoking around the world and to Southeast Asia as much as 124 million adults who smoke (MOH, 2008).Smoking is a bad habit that became a worldwide problem both the developed and developing countries. In developed countries smoking has been substantially reduced, whereas in developing countries such as Indonesia, efforts to limit tobacco consumption is still less intensive. As many as 65-85% of tobacco has been consumed all over the world in the form of cigarettes and have health problems arise because of the habit of smoking. On Indonesia prevalence among adult men increased to 35.5% in 2006 from 28.9% in 2005. Various health organizations including the WHO campaigning to address the epidemic of smoking, an estimated 2.5 million people die each year from diseases caused by smoking (Amu, 2008).

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